Monday, August 13, 2007

Stranded experiment 2

DSC_0203, originally uploaded by Inca knits.

Just to prove that I DO knit stuff then the stranded vest is coming along. It is quite fun to knit but I admit to not having swatched (well consider this my swatch) so it will probably be too small for my son. But it will be worth the experience. Better screw up this small project. The yarn was really cheap too. It is some Smart superwash I had in my stash. I bought it in my LYS at a huge discount because the labels had gone missing..

1 comment:

knititch said...

Det ser rigtig flot ud. Tak for kommentaren om mine norske trøjer på min blog. Det har været meget sjovt at lave dem.
Jeg synes det er fantastisk at kvinder med tre børn får strikket nogetsomhelst. glæder mig til at følge lidt med i hvad du strikker.